I'll Follow You - Jon McLaughlin

声音很美   很感动……


作为在印第安纳安德森的一个年轻的钢琴手,Jon Mclaughlin每天都将大量的时间投入音乐上,所说所想用歌词和旋律来表达。不幸的是,他的两只手腕在一次事故中粉碎性骨折后,钢琴的弹奏不得不从他生活的主流退出。直到他高中的高年级时,当他再一次的坐下来,他才又重新找回对艺术的热情。 

喜欢Jon Mclaughlin的歌声感人。他的嗓音有种亲切感,很真实,同时又感觉很平静。在平静中细细品味,似乎又暗流涌动,情感起伏。随着钢琴和提琴的伴奏,那份优雅直达心底,余音绕梁,让人心动,刚听到就被降服,今晚非他莫属。

《I'll Follow You》歌词:

People tell me there will come a time
When your heart and mine will grow cold
No more staring at the evening sky
Low replaces high when you're old

As long as you're around I'll follow you
You won't ever be alone
As long as you're around I'll follow you
Now I will be wherever you go

They say the future is our enemy
Time eventually will set the sun
But I believe in you and you believe in me
How can we ever go wrong?

As long as you're around I'll follow you
Heart is million gonna break
As long as you're around I'll follow you
And I will give whatever love takes

So be patient baby
Hold me close
I hope you understand
You're a beautiful woman
and I'm just a man

So in the hours of the darkest kind
When it's hard to find who we are

One can stare into the other's eyes
Be each other's light in the dark

As long as you're around I'll follow you
You won't ever be alone
As long as you're around I'll follow you
And I will be wherever you go
